
We are designing a Mars rover, Superior 1. This is a robot that will map Mars. Small hexagonal sensors are assembled by remote control to form a large device.


We will train you while doing space-related business. Come work with us. We nurture the software and operations that run the avatar robots in our space development business with the latest technology.


Study AI for free. We are learning about quantum computing and generative AI right now. We have blockchain-controlled educational materials and extensive study links available.


We are doing research on attractive incentives for DAOs, The following projects will be managed using DAOs

Creat AI

This team shows up like a dash and leaves like a dash when the project is over, We are Team Kagerow!


premium residential for the aged.

・Building a retirement home with future technology
・DAO participants designing
・DAO participants have priority access

・Create an app to learn to fly a helicopter using Google Maps.